What to Expect

Basic Beliefs

Jesus Christ is at the center of our faith and beliefs. Our Basic Beliefs are not the last word, but an invitation to further explore your discipleship.

Disciples’ Generous Response

We are called to share with others as generously as God has shared with us. The six principles of a Disciples’ Generous Response guide us in managing and sharing our resources:

Receive God’s gifts
Respond faithfully
Align heart and money
Share generously
Save wisely
Spend responsibly


The sacraments embody God’s grace and peace and lead to transformation of our lives and communities. The sacraments shape our identity and community life as followers of Jesus Christ. As we experience the blessings available through sacraments, we are empowered to share the peace of Jesus Christ and fulfill our mission in the world.

Blessing of children
The Lord’s Supper (Communion)
Laying on of hands for the sick
Evangelist blessing