Our Faith

Who We Are

Community of Christ’s 250,000 members live and minister in more than 60 nations. We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace. Christ’s mission is our mission. Learn more at www.CofChrist.org.

Mission Initiatives

The five Mission Initiatives are blessings to the church. They guide us directly onto paths that help us make Christ’s mission our mission. Though the initiatives carry great importance and value individually, they work best in congregations and ministries that honor all five. In this holistic fashion, they help us know, be, and do as we serve Christ.

Invite People to Christ
Abolish Poverty, End Suffering
Pursue Peace on Earth
Develop Disciples to Serve
Experience Congregation

Enduring Principles

Our Enduring Principles define the essence, heart, and soul of our faith community. They describe the personality of our church as expressed throughout the world.