Sunday School starts at 9:30 am and is held in the fellowship hall and classrooms downstairs. There are adult and children classes available.
Worship Service begins at 10:30 am upstairs in the Sanctuary every Sunday, and on every first Sunday of the month Sacrament of Communion is served, everyone is welcome!
Mission Statement
Through the ministries and mission modeled by Jesus Christ, in alignment with the Five Mission Initiatives of the church, and using everyone's God-given gifts and talents, the mission of Barberton Community of Christ is to provide community-friendly, safe, inspirational, and welcoming environment for all persons; to empower and equip the younger generation for service and leadership in a changing world; and to pursue outreach and educational opportunities in aeras of need for all ages.
5 Mission Initiatives
Invite People to Christ
We are poised to share the peace of Jesus Christ with those
who are waiting to hear the redeeming words of the gospel.Abolish Poverty, End Suffering
We are poised to be Christ’s hands and feet, reaching out
through compassionate ministries that serve the poor and hungry and
stop conditions that diminish the worth of persons.Pursue Peace on Earth
We are poised to restore Christ’s covenant of peace, even
the Zion of our hopes. The hope of Zion will become reality when we
live Christ’s peace and generously share his peace with others.Develop Disciples to Serve
We are poised to equip men, women, and children to be true
and living expressions of the life, ministry, and continuing presence
of Christ in the world.Experience Congregations in Mission
We are poised to become congregations that are true and living
expressions of Jesus Christ, woven together by the Holy Spirit, and
sent into the world as evangelistic witnesses, compassionate ministers,
and justice and peacemakers. We will be a prophetic people characterized
by uncommon devotion to the compassion and peace of God revealed
in Jesus Christ!
9 Enduring Principles
Grace and Generosity
God’s grace, especially as revealed in Jesus Christ,
is generous and unconditionalHaving received God’s generous grace, we respond generously
and graciously receive the generosity of others.We offer all we are and have to God’s purposes as revealed
in Jesus ChristWe generously share our witness, resources, ministries, and
sacraments according to our true capacity
Continuing Revelation
Scripture is an inspired and indispensable witness of human
response to God’s revelation of divine natureGod graciously reveals divine will today as in the past.
The Holy Spirit inspires and provides witness to divine truth.
In humility, individually and in community, we prayerfully listen to
understand God’s will for our lives, the church, and creation more
All Are Called
God graciously gives people gifts and opportunities to do good and
to share input God’s purposes.Jesus Christ invites people to follow him by becoming disciples who
share his life and ministrySome disciples are called and ordained to particular priesthood
responsibilities and ministries for the sake of the community,
the congregation, and the world.We respond faithfully, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to our
best understanding of God’s call.
Pursuit of Peace(Shalom)
God wants shalom (justice, reconciliation, well-being, wholeness,
and peace) for all of creation.Jesus Christ, the embodiment of God’s shalom (peace), reveals the
meaning of God’s peace in all aspects of life.The vision of Zion is to promote God’s reign on Earth, as proclaimed
by Jesus Christ, through the leavening influence of just and
peaceful communitiesWe courageously and generously share the peace of Jesus Christ
with others.Led by the Holy Spirit, we work with God and others to restore peace
(shalom) to creation.We celebrate God’s peace wherever it appears or is being pursued by
people of good will.
Blessings of Community
The gospel of Jesus Christ is expressed best in community life
where people become vulnerable to God’s grace and each otherTrue community includes compassion for and solidarity with the poor,
marginalized,,and oppressed.True community upholds the worth of persons while providing a healthy
alternative to selfcenteredness, isolation, and conformity.Sacred community provides nurture and growth opportunities for all
people, especially those who cannot fully care for themselves.We value our connections and share a strong sense of trust
in and belonging with one another—even if we never have met.Some disciples are called and ordained to particular priesthood
responsibilities and ministries for the sake of the community, the
congregation, and the world.We are called to create communities of Christ’s peace in our families
and congregations and across villages, tribes, nations, and
throughout creation.
Sacredness of Creation
In the beginning, God created and called it all good.
Spirit and material, seen and unseen, are related.
Creation’s power to create or destroy reminds us of our
vulnerability in this life.God is still creating to fulfill divine purpose
We join with God as stewards of care and hope for all creation.
Worth of All Persons
God views all people as having inestimable and equal worth.
God wants all people to experience wholeness of body, mind, spirit,
and relationshipsWe seek to uphold and restore the worth of all people individually
and in community, challenging unjust systems that diminish human
worth.We join with Jesus Christ in bringing good news to the poor,
sick, captive, and oppressed.
Responsible Choices
God gives humans the ability to make choices about whom or what
they will serve.Some people experience conditions that diminish their ability to
make choices.Human choices contribute to good or evil in our lives and in the
world.Many aspects of creation need redemption because of irresponsible
and sinful human choices.We are called to make responsible choices within the circumstances
of our lives that contribute to the purposes of God.
Unity in Diversity
Community of Christ is a diverse, international family of disciples,
seekers, and congregations.Local and worldwide ministries are interdependent and important to
the church’s missionThe church embraces diversity and unity through the power of the Holy
SpiritWe seek agreement or common consent in important matters. If we
cannot achieve agreement, we commit to ongoing dialogue and lovingly
uphold our common faith in Jesus Christ and the mission of the churchWe confess that our lack of agreement on certain matters is hurtful
to some of God’s beloved children and creation.